Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Yesterday was a wonderful day! The weather was warm and beautiful and we got so much accomplished. The only bad point was that Jim hurt his back and is hobbling like a really old man today! Hopefully, it is a temporary tweak that will work itself out with time and TLC.

I got my whole garden planted yesterday afternoon. I'm doing a really scaled back version this year because we don't even know if we will be here to harvest it all. The raised beds, however, look much better when they are filled than when they are not. I wanted them to look like gardens and not boxes of dirt! I planted flowers (marigolds, petunias and snapdragons) and veggies. I did veggie starts of basil and tomatoes and did seeds for chives, green beans, peas, lettuce, spinach and carrots. I'm very hopeful that I won't get to taste any of these!

Today is Sunday and I'm taking the rest of the day off. I taught Sunday School this morning and I'm tired and cranky! I'm going to curl up and read a good book and maybe bake something this afternoon - brownies anyone?


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